E-CASSARE builds on the success of an existing Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) funded research into Canadian-Nigerian human rights engagements led by Professor Obiora Okafor. The research maps, analyzes and theorises the nature, attainments, problems and prospects of Canadian-Nigerian human rights engagements between 1999 (when Nigeria’s current democratic regime was established) and 2011 (a convenient cut-off date). The research study was borne out of a need to address the inadequacy and dearth in existing scholarly literature on the nature, attainments, problems, and prospects of Canadian-Nigerian human rights cooperation despite a long history of general bilateral relations and cooperation in human rights between both countries. One of the goals of the research study is to inform policy and practice in human rights engagement between Canada and Nigeria and also other similar country-to-country relationships.
Accordingly, the research study into Canadian-Nigerian human rights engagements, lays the foundation for E-CASSARE’s research into Canada’s wider roles in the promotion of rights within the West Africa sub region States of Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Some of the shared characteristics of the afore-mentioned countries such as common membership of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) regional group, similar legal tradition and language, would help to make analysis under CARRIA’s research study more feasible and valid.
Since, E-CASSARE is building on the foundation laid in the research study into Canadian-Nigerian human rights engagements it will likewise replicate the sub-themes that formed the basis of the investigation into Canadian-Nigerian human rights engagement. Thus, E-CASSARE will examine Canada’s Right roles in Africa under the following sub themes: